[Staff] Kevin

I am likely the least formal person you will ever meet. I’m the kinda guy that sits Indian style at a restaurant. Hopefully that will paint a picture of my character.
I have been a hobbyist server administrator for close to 20 years now and have built various niche communities since 2008. I am a father of two Yorkies and married to my high school sweetheart for 18 hellish… wonderful years! I cherish every moment I have with them. <3
P.S: I like to poop with the door open.
[Staff] Zalmander

Zalmander began his digital life as an undead mage in Tarren Mill in early 2005. After a decade and a half of on-again/off-again love for Azeroth, he found his way to Rust, and then to Relic, in early 2021, and hasn’t left since.
He shares his time and builds with Zalmina, an alter ego who, despite accusations to the contrary, loves her work painting Rustangelo paintings, and is only ever accidentally starved to death once or twice a wipe, these days.
[Staff] Smokez
Smokezmadrockz IRL Stephen is a avid gamer since I was a little kid. Decided to try Rust out over a year ago and after a few failed experiences on other servers found Relic and finally found a love for the game. When I’m not pouring hours into ridiculous builds and farming, I am spending time enjoying being a single father to an amazing daughter or playing dungeon and dragons with friends.
[Staff] Philbee

Philbee. IRL is Phil. Mostly gamed on console until a friend convinced me to get Rust. Haven’t looked back since. If I’m not on the world of Relic, I’ll be at the track drifting or in the garage working on the cars.
[Staff] !D0nT_C@mP

It’s been rumored that Camp is likely the Dolphin’s number one fan.