Our elite membership features a lot of spawnable items, from minicopters to boats to cars (the white sedan). Along with ways to better personalize your outfit (with /skinbox), your base (/bskin), and your username color.
Our VIP membership features a personal recycler to keep in your base, sign artist to upload images to signs/ pictures, and all gambling items to turn your home into a casino.
All memberships carry over from wipe to wipe and can be stacked (you can have both VIP and Elite).
Elite Perks

- XP Bonus – Gain 25 XP per minute just for being online.
- /skinbox (video tutorial): We have about 2500 unapproved (non-purchasable) skins to choose from.
- /bskin (video tutorial): Building skins to make your build creatively unique.
- Automatically apply wallpaper to your entire base (button will show when you open your tool cupboard).
- /car (video tutorial): Your own personal four passenger car that doesn’t decay or take fuel. Can be stored with /storecar.
- /mini (video tutorial): Your own personal minicopter. Only you can spawn and store it. Can be stored with /storemini.
- /attackheli (video tutorial): Your own personal attack helicopter. Only you can spawn and store it. Can be stored with /storeattack.
- /bike: Spawn a motorbike to quickly travel around Relic. Can be stored with /storebike.
- /boat (video tutorial): Spawn your own boat by using the command /boat (must be on the water) and store it with /storeboat.
- /marketplace (video tutorial): Your very own private drone marketplace. The days of traveling to buy stuff from a vending machine are over. Send a drone to make a purchase.
- /colors (video tutorial): Choose your own custom username color in chat. Support for rainbow and gradient colors too.
- Supporter role on our DIscord with access to ingame chat channels.
VIP Perks (Lifetime)
When using sign artist, we have a place for you to easily upload images at RelicPVE.com/upload

- /rec (video tutorial): A personal recycler to place in your base.
- /sil (video tutorial): Upload images to signs (png, jpg, etc.). Click here to easily upload images/pictures.
- /boombox: Add a custom radio station to your boombox or radio.
- /dance : Dance emotes/gestures.
- /blackjack : Two blackjack tables per wipe.
- /poker : Two poker tables per wipe.
- /slots (video tutorial): Two slot machines per wipe.
- /wheel (video tutorial): One gambling/roulette wheel.
- /betting (video tutorial): Four betting terminals for your gambling wheel.
- Gold Name – Your name will be gold in chat.
- Excluded from inactivity decay