Our Mission

Our primary goal is to foster a community through organic and memorable experiences. Please look over our rules and ethos before playing with us.

TL;DR: all Relic servers are centered around community, kindness and acceptance.

[PvE] Relic | No Killing | No Raiding | No Decay

  • Decay and upkeep have been disabled.
  • Player and base damage have been disabled
  • We wipe on every forced wipe (the first Thursday of each month). When there are five weeks between forced wipes (a few per year), we also have an entity wipe (you keep blueprints) after the third week. Use the command “!wipe” in chat to get an exact date on the next wipe.

— Features/Information —

  • Leveling System (/xp) with perks
  • Playtime Ranks (/ranks) with perks
  • Custom powerful weapons at our gunsmith
  • A questing system with unique quests and boss fights
  • Roaming bosses and a weekly boss event at Airfield
  • Raidable NPC bases with plenty of variety and challenges

— How to Join Us/Connect —

F1/Console (example): connect main.relicpve.com
Or search for Relic (we’re under the modded section)

[PvE] Relic Europe | No Killing | No Raiding | No Decay

  • Decay and upkeep have been disabled.
  • Player and base damage have been disabled
  • We wipe on every forced wipe (the first Thursday of each month). When there are five weeks between forced wipes (a few per year), we also have an entity wipe (you keep blueprints) after the third week. Use the command “!wipe” in chat to get an exact date on the next wipe.

— Features/Information —

  • Leveling System (/xp) with perks
  • Playtime Ranks (/ranks) with perks
  • Custom powerful weapons at our gunsmith
  • A questing system with unique quests and boss fights
  • Roaming bosses and a weekly boss event at Airfield
  • Raidable NPC bases with plenty of variety and challenges

— How to Join Us/Connect —

F1/Console (example): connect eu.relicpve.com
Or search for Relic (we’re under the modded section)