Below you will find a list of ranks that can be achieved here on Relic, their perks and requirements. You can see this list at anytime by typing /ranks in chat and check your playtime with /playtime or !playtime.


  • 200 hours played on Relic.
  • Claim plantable palms and pine trees to place as decoration in your base (/palm and /pine in chat).
  • Access to a private lounge in Arbington (our custom built city). Type /sergeant for the pin.
  • In the private lounge you will find a workbench 2 and a discount vending machine containing HQM for scrap, various admin-only costumes and cheap tools.


  • 500 hours played on Relic.
  • One free M249 per wipe (type /m249 in chat to claim).
  • Five free drones per wipe (type /drone in chat to claim).
  • Access to a private lounge in Arbington. Type /colonel for the pin.
  • In the lounge you will have access to a workbench 3, an enclosed Pumpjack tp produce crude (only accessible to Colonels), refiners, and furnaces.


  • 1,000 hours played on Relic.
  • One free personal Pumpjack every wipe. Extract crude at your convenience! Type /pumpjack in chat to receive it!
  • One free personal Mining Quarry every wipe. Type /miningquarry in chat to receive it.


  • 2,500 hours played on Relic.
  • Spawn and store a scrap helicopter. Type /heli to spawn it and /storeheli to store it.
  • Spawn and store a RHIB boat. Type /rhib to spawn it (must be on the water) and /storerhib to store it.
  • Attach a radio to your car, mini, scrap heli, etc. with /attachradio.