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Wipe Updates for March, 2024

#1 · March 5, 2024, 3:18 pm
Quote from Kevin on March 5, 2024, 3:18 pmWelcome to March Wipe Hype! Next wipe will be April 4th.
- Power Plant is now a radioactive darkzone! There are about 50 zombies in the zone with different aggro ranges, weapons, and run speed. There is also high radiation, so a hazmat suit or anti-rad pills will be required to enter the zone. Reaper has a chance of dropping from them as well.
- Level 63 has been combined with level 23. The box sorter and auto loot have been combined into level 23.
- The new level 63 perk is a healing nailgun. Just craft it and pew pew a teammate or another player to heal them. 2HP healed per shot. It is very useful if your teammate is pinned down and requires healing (you can heal them from any distance as long as you hit them).
- Elite members can now spawn an attack helicopter with /attack or /attackheli and of course /storeattack.
- The fertilizer vendor (at Bandit) has been changed to 1:2 scrap/fert (to help balance the Relic economy).
- Ranger Greenthorn is now looking for brave players to complete his quest chain, which leads up to the killing of Wildfang. He can be found at Bandit Camp (see attached picture for his location).
- NPC & boss loot are now locked to the person that does the most damage. This does not affect damage, just loot. We're looking for feedback on this.
- Skinbox has been updated to have a new look along with the ability to add sets/quick skinning (instead of dragging each item over). /skin has been added as a shorthand command to open the panel.
MVP this month goes to: Happy Festivus, LeadWeasel, VinceWthSlapChop
P.S: Be sure to vote for your favorite Valentine's Day build (some very sexy and creative builds)! Polling closes at midnight on March 10th.
Welcome to March Wipe Hype! Next wipe will be April 4th.
- Power Plant is now a radioactive darkzone! There are about 50 zombies in the zone with different aggro ranges, weapons, and run speed. There is also high radiation, so a hazmat suit or anti-rad pills will be required to enter the zone. Reaper has a chance of dropping from them as well.
- Level 63 has been combined with level 23. The box sorter and auto loot have been combined into level 23.
- The new level 63 perk is a healing nailgun. Just craft it and pew pew a teammate or another player to heal them. 2HP healed per shot. It is very useful if your teammate is pinned down and requires healing (you can heal them from any distance as long as you hit them).
- Elite members can now spawn an attack helicopter with /attack or /attackheli and of course /storeattack.
- The fertilizer vendor (at Bandit) has been changed to 1:2 scrap/fert (to help balance the Relic economy).
- Ranger Greenthorn is now looking for brave players to complete his quest chain, which leads up to the killing of Wildfang. He can be found at Bandit Camp (see attached picture for his location).
- NPC & boss loot are now locked to the person that does the most damage. This does not affect damage, just loot. We're looking for feedback on this.
- Skinbox has been updated to have a new look along with the ability to add sets/quick skinning (instead of dragging each item over). /skin has been added as a shorthand command to open the panel.
MVP this month goes to: Happy Festivus, LeadWeasel, VinceWthSlapChop
P.S: Be sure to vote for your favorite Valentine's Day build (some very sexy and creative builds)! Polling closes at midnight on March 10th.
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