Wipe Updates for April, 2024

Quote from Kevin on March 25, 2024, 4:16 amIt's time to clean our booties and start fresh! Next wipe will be May 2nd.
Twig decay is now active on all servers (VIP members are excluded from twig decay). We currently have the decay set to about 24 hours. Placing wood in the TC won't stop the decay. (We're open to suggestions and improvements.) <3
Changes & New Stuff:
- Raidbases have been completely reworked. We have also added one floating/flying raidbase under the hard difficulty).
- You can now purchase a raid by typing /buyraid in chat. This will spawn a raidbase near you and be locked to you and your team. Also, the color of the circle will now determine the difficulty of the raid (see the color key by typing /raidbase in chat).
- Raidbases now grant XP upon completion (you must loot/break the TC to complete it). Easy = 750 XP | Medium = 1,000 XP | Hard = 2,000 XP | Expert = 3,000 XP
- The Reaper now has a chance of dropping in all raidbases.
- The Reaper's droprate has increased in all Darkzones. And it can now drop from the zombies (little frankies) during the weekly airfield event.
- You can now teleport to the new event area by typing /games in chat. You can teleport to Arbington from there. I am working on a jump puzzle that will grant 2,500 experience upon completion. It will be a bit challenging, but we will keep it fun! I should be finished with it in about a week.
- Pirates have been seen patrolling the coast line. Be careful. They are armed and dangerous. Loot can be found in the captain's quarters. Arrrrr!
- Centurion ranked players can now attach a radio to their car, minicopter, scrapy. Do so by typing /attachradio and /removeradio. Please do not abuse this <3.
- We have made an adjustment to our rules regarding inland rivers (those on the main island).
Please do not block off the entire river. Leave at least 75% of the river for others to build. If you decide to build on the river itself, you must allow boat passage (upstream). The one exception to this rule is if you’ve claimed an island.
Coming this wipe:
- Finish up work on the mini jump event game at Event Center (/games).
- A graphical information panel /info and /help
- Start work on a second flying raidbase.
MVP this month goes to: Happy Festivus, FadedAssassin, Fury
It's time to clean our booties and start fresh! Next wipe will be May 2nd.
Twig decay is now active on all servers (VIP members are excluded from twig decay). We currently have the decay set to about 24 hours. Placing wood in the TC won't stop the decay. (We're open to suggestions and improvements.) <3
Changes & New Stuff:
- Raidbases have been completely reworked. We have also added one floating/flying raidbase under the hard difficulty).
- You can now purchase a raid by typing /buyraid in chat. This will spawn a raidbase near you and be locked to you and your team. Also, the color of the circle will now determine the difficulty of the raid (see the color key by typing /raidbase in chat).
- Raidbases now grant XP upon completion (you must loot/break the TC to complete it). Easy = 750 XP | Medium = 1,000 XP | Hard = 2,000 XP | Expert = 3,000 XP
- The Reaper now has a chance of dropping in all raidbases.
- The Reaper's droprate has increased in all Darkzones. And it can now drop from the zombies (little frankies) during the weekly airfield event.
- You can now teleport to the new event area by typing /games in chat. You can teleport to Arbington from there. I am working on a jump puzzle that will grant 2,500 experience upon completion. It will be a bit challenging, but we will keep it fun! I should be finished with it in about a week.
- Pirates have been seen patrolling the coast line. Be careful. They are armed and dangerous. Loot can be found in the captain's quarters. Arrrrr!
- Centurion ranked players can now attach a radio to their car, minicopter, scrapy. Do so by typing /attachradio and /removeradio. Please do not abuse this <3.
- We have made an adjustment to our rules regarding inland rivers (those on the main island).
Please do not block off the entire river. Leave at least 75% of the river for others to build. If you decide to build on the river itself, you must allow boat passage (upstream). The one exception to this rule is if you’ve claimed an island.
Coming this wipe:
- Finish up work on the mini jump event game at Event Center (/games).
- A graphical information panel /info and /help
- Start work on a second flying raidbase.
MVP this month goes to: Happy Festivus, FadedAssassin, Fury