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Level 90 Competition

Let's host another first to max level on both Relic and Relic EU! Ready, set, GO!

Post in this topic with a screen shot of your level once you reach level 90 (either /xp or the level prompt in chat). Don't forget to add your ingame name!

You will receive MVP for two months. You will have access to a personal chinook /chinook or /ch47. It can be stored as well (/storech47). And of course the MVP tag in chat. 

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Hey! RoloVX255 Relic Europe 🙂

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Hey! Kenny Relic (US)

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It was a sprint to the finish line!! Congratulations to you both for being the first to 90!

Will have MVP activated for you now, Kenny and Rolo, going to DM ya in a few seconds. <3

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