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Level 80 Competition

For the month of June we're expanding the levels from 70 to 80. I thought it would be a fun little competition to see who reaches level 80 first on each server (Relic and Relic EU). 

Post in this thread with a screen shot of your level once you reach 80 (either /xp or your level bar or the level prompt in chat). Please post your name ingame and what server you play.

For example: Kevin, Relic and attach a screen shot of your level. 

You will receive MVP for two months. You will have access to a personal chinook /chinook or /ch47. It can be stored as well (/storech47). And of course the MVP tag in chat. 


RoloVX255, relic Europe 

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Grimsrevenge Relic main 

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Congratulations to RoloVX255 and Grimsrevenge!!! I will apply your reward right now! Again congratulations!

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