Quote from
Kevin on June 26, 2024, 3:08 pm
We have over 2500 custom skins to choose from to make your base or outfit fun and unique to you. You will need Elite in order to use this feature.
Commands used in this video: /skinbox or /sd for placed items
[videojs_video url="https://relic-hamster.b-cdn.net/wp-content/uploads/skinbox-tut.mp4"]
If you would like to request a skin, you can do so on our Discord :).
We have over 2500 custom skins to choose from to make your base or outfit fun and unique to you. You will need Elite in order to use this feature.
Commands used in this video: /skinbox or /sd for placed items
If you would like to request a skin, you can do so on our Discord :).