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Despawn useless horses

If the horse get when levelled to the tier is unfed and left for say 24 hours, it should despawn. So many players horses randomly all over the map taking up gpu space. 

I totally agree, since horses seem to add a lot of lag.

What brings me to a general question to the community: why not buy virtual quarries and pumpjacks and loose all your horses? (but one).

Now some ppl can't fly and play because of the lag caused by turbines, horses etc. I know @Dino can't really play no more.

Why would the community not skip lag-causing windturbines and more than one horse a person: to make the server playable for all?

Wouldn't that be something <3


We could look into doing this.

For wild horses, they will despawn if not fed. So I assume you're talking about the spawned horses? The problem with despawning those horses is that if a player has loot on them, poof it goes. 


Maybe you can do with the horses the same with players/player bases. If they are elite/vip they do not get despawned, if they are not, well, buy it 😀

Another round of this is:
- if they have loot (don't despawn it)
- if they do not have loot, store it for the player (it won't make a difference)

This also goes for /car's since they do not use any kind of "storage".