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Bonk tool: bonk the squatters away

tldr/ The main thing we want is to be able to have a sleeper moved. The sleeper could be moved to their nearest spawn point (if no spawn point then city center?) or relocated outside of the build privs. We want to be able to evict squatters/sleepers. 


There are times we need to build in a specific area or upgrade foundations and a sleeper (teammate or random) will be blocking access. Several suggestions were brought up in the global chat earlier today (Rick O' Shea, -M-2 2, myself, for example) 

I personally would love to have an option to use a command and/or the build hammer tool and hit them twice (or something). OR the Salvaged hammer and we can bonk them away. M-2 suggested the fishing pole and using that to drag them away which would be hilarious imo. 

In regards to teammates or those who have build privs, maybe there is a 24 hour cool down XD cause I KNOW I will abuse it >:D 

any other ideas/suggestions also would be welcomed! popping this in discord as well. 


<3 Papri