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Revisit - Cloth/Fertilizer

I know that cloth and fertilizer sales has been ever-changing but continuing to tweak the cool down I think is the best suggestion. I will suggest starting to relax the cool downtime (cd) for both cloth and fertilizer. Even having just 1 horse trying to sell 1000 fertilizer or the 1 stack of 1500 cloth the time it takes is unrealistic.



Produce Exchange in General....Cooldown should be reduced...and/or quantity able to be sold increased. 

or cooldowns should be personal not global


This has been discussed at length a while ago when we had those cooldowns removed. It led to over 2,750 horses a few days into wipe. We had to backtrack those changes to keep the server stable (no way we were going to complete a full month with that many horses). The same is true for farms.

If we can come up with a fair and balanced solution, I am completely onboard with removing the cooldown.

If you have any ideas, please post em!

Quote from Kevin on September 14, 2024, 8:07 pm

This has been discussed at length a while ago when we had those cooldowns removed. It led to over 2,750 horses a few days into wipe. We had to backtrack those changes to keep the server stable (no way we were going to complete a full month with that many horses). The same is true for farms.

If we can come up with a fair and balanced solution, I am completely onboard with removing the cooldown.

If you have any ideas, please post em!

i have suggested a fix to help with this issue and still allow infinite stock