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Events and Buffs

Soo i just did the clop tree event and won. Tho because i was used a super serum and have level buffs from being 72 it wasn't even close to second place. I had 600K + next was 200 K then like 90K. 

I love they being more events but i feel, For the gathering ones, Buffs from teas, Serum or Lv shouldn't count to keep a fair and level playing field. Cause if you want to take part but you got no teas to hand or are lower level then others doing it. The odds you winning are small to nothing. And with their being no rewards for taking part what would be the point in doing them? 

So my suggestion is, either for the gathering events it only counts raw yield of tree or just counts number of trees fallen. If not, then rewards for those that actively took part in an event.  Like reach x amount you get a reward of like 200 xp or a weighted rewards based on placement, Like 1st 2000, 2nd 1000, 3rd 500 others 200.